Economic growth in Germany: changes in inflation, unemployment

Part of the syllabus: Macroeconomics Article
Source: Yahoo News / Deutsche Welle
Date of the article: 2017-06-26 / 2017-06-20
Link to article: German business sentiment ‘jubilant’: IfoIfo projects stronger German economic growth
Any other similar article, no matter the date, would fit the suggested talking points. Articles which talk about the Ifo report are great because there’s a little bit of analysis and a bunch of figures/facts you can use. So, Germany’s expectations of the future are better than ever before, unemployment is low and falling, inflation might start picking up as well. Can we use economic concepts to explain what is happening in the country? How are the main economic variables connected?

Talking points for your Macroeconomics Internal Assessment:


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Expecting an increase in meat prices

Part of the syllabus: Microeconomics Article
Source: Krugersdorp News
Date of the article: 2016-12-22
Link to article: Meat prices expected to increase up to 15 per cent
The festive season is here. The article argues it affects the demand for red meat. Recent droughts have increased red meat slaughtering which lead to growing supply. How could these changes in demand and supply lead to possible increases in meat prices? Surely a “meaty” article for your IA!

Talking points for your Microeconomics Internal Assessment:


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Depreciating pound – a blessing or a curse for the UK?

Part of the syllabus: International Economics
Source: The Independent
Date of the article: 2016-10-04
Link to article: The pound has hit a 31-year low
Brexit – a topic that hundreds of IB Economics students will discuss in their internal assessments and extended essays. This time let us take a look at the depreciating pound. It has fallen lower than anyone expected. What effects will this have on the UK economy?

Talking points for your Internal Assessment:


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US imposing anti-duping tariff on Chinese steel

Part of the syllabus: International Economics
Source: The Wall Street Journal
Date of the article: 2016-03-01
Link to article: U.S. Imposes 266% Duty on Some Chinese Steel Imports (save the article once you have opened it! – this website is subscription based and you will not be able to reopen the article for free)
An IB Economics IA Article International Economics part of the syllabus. The article is about US imposing an anti-dumping tariff on Chinese steel. Is this a sustainable solution?

Possible talking points:


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